the making of illumina

Coming to life in September 2024.

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  • Clip 1 - Light Portal Thumbnail.jpg
    • 22/5/24

    1 - Illumina Light Portal

    An Australian-first multi-media light show ‘Illumina’ is set to launch at Kingfisher Bay Resort on K’gari (Fraser Island).

    “This exquisite light portal lets you ‘see the wind'… the light is offered, the island tells the story”, says Light Artist Bruce Ramus.

  • Clip 6 - what is it about K'gari_ Thumbnail.png
    • 22/5/24

    6. What is it about K'gari?

    What is it about K’gari that we love so much?

    The bright blue water, the expansive beach, the ancient rainforest?

  • Clip 5 - Tall Trees Thumbnail.jpg
    • 22/5/24

    5. Tall Trees

    “All the information you need is in this little seed”, Pete Meyer.

    It’s the light that feeds some of Australia’s largest trees. Visit K’gari and get to know the island’s famous Satinay trees.

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    • 22/5/24

    4 - A great show

    The sense of wonder that you get when you first arrive on the island… The instant connection with your spectacular surroundings. That’s the power of K’gari.

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    • 22/5/24

    3 - "Love. Understand. Study." Pete Meyer.

    “We only care for what we love, we only love what we understand, and we only understand what we study”

    Peter Meyer has spent 28 years living on K'gari. He has seen the light of the island in all its hues, and now you can experience it too.

  • Clip 2 - I love this place (Cassie) Thumbnail.png
    • 22/5/24

    2 - "I love this place", Ranger Cassie.

    "It's just next-level phenomenal to have rainforest growing in the sand", Ranger Cassie.

    K'gari is the largest sand island in the world. Over hundreds of thousands of years, lush rainforest has grown from the dunes, along the edge of the brightest blue ocean.